ABOUT THE AMP BALLANTYNE™ The outdoor amphitheater is located in the heart of Ballantyne. The venue will host ticketed and free events, with a high-tech sound system, covered stage, VIP areas and ample space for general admission lawn seating. In addition to large-scale concerts, programming will feature festivals, markets, local performances, fitness classes and more, establishing Ballantyne as a regular destination for Charlotte residents. The venue is equipped with dedicated restroom facilities, concessions, food truck parking, perimeter fencing with VIP and general admission access points. Parking is available on-site, and locations will vary depending on the type of event.

The Amp Ballantyne™ is committed to providing a safe, inclusive and respectful environment for all guests. To ensure that visitors have a pleasant experience, each patron should act responsibly and be considerate of others. Patrons who fail to comply with venue policies are subject to ejection and / or arrest without prior warning. Anyone ejected from the premises will not receive a refund.
- Intoxication or other signs of alcohol and drug impairment that result in irresponsible behavior. (Intoxicated patrons will not be admitted to the venue and may be ejected at discretion of venue management.)
- Failing to follow instructions of venue personnel and venue policies
- Fighting, taunting, or any action that might harm or endanger others
- Interference with the progress of the event
- Entering restricted areas (trespassing)
- Throwing objects
- Harassing or threatening other patrons, venue staff, or performers
- Nudity – to include the removal of shirts, blouses and other items of apparel that may offend others
- Committing sexual acts or exhibiting lewd behavior
- Gambling of any kind
- Unauthorized video or audio recording of shows.
- Soliciting / unauthorized selling of tickets or other merchandise on venue property
- Unreasonably obstructing the view of other patrons
The Amp Ballantyne management reserves the right to deem an act or exhibited behavior to be inappropriate and act accordingly. Enforcement of The Amp Ballantyne Code of Conduct includes all venue parking areas. We appreciate your support and cooperation as we strive to create the best experience for each visitor. Whether or not certain types of behavior and/or acts are inappropriate or offensive to others may depend on one's perspective and values.
Anyone in need of assistance should contact a member of the on-site staff or Ballantyne security at 704.649.8200. Ballantyne security and CMPD will respond to complaints of misconduct.
We look forward to hosting you soon at The Amp Ballantyne™!
We are excited to welcome you to The Amp! The health and safety of our artists, partners and guests are our top priority.
HOURS OF OPERATION – Daily Park Schedule: Dawn to Dusk
Curfew: All events at The Amp are required to end at 10:00 p.m, Sunday through Thursday, and 11 p.m. Friday through Saturday, with no exceptions. Official event time is kept, and curfew is strictly enforced.